Durbin’s Constituents to Hold Candlelight Prayer Vigil Tonight on Protecting the Middle Class

Huge banner signed by local people will call on Durbin, Schock to champion “jobs not cuts” in fiscal cliff negotiations

(Springfield, Ill.) Area residents will hold an evening prayer vigil in front of Sen. Dick Durbin’s office here to urge this national leader to fight for jobs and middle class tax cuts and against cuts to Medicare and other vital services in the so-called “fiscal cliff” negotiations over spending and taxes. The protest is one of more than 100 taking place Monday in cities nationwide.

“I want Senator Durbin to focus on creating good jobs and making sure the wealthiest 2% don’t avoid paying their fair share of taxes,” says Marcus Parker. “I would also like to remind my senator that Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are not ‘entitlements’– they are something the middle class has paid for our entire lives.”

Parker and other area members of Action Now Illinois will join in Monday’s night’s prayer vigil sponsored jointly by SEIU Healthcare, AFL-CIO, AFSCME and others.

During the vigil, Action Now Illinois volunteers will also obtain signatures on a banner reading “jobs not cuts” and then converge Tuesday (Dec.11) noon on the offices of U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock to try to get a commitment from him to extend the middle class tax cuts, which have already passed the Senate but did not yet come to a vote in the House.

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Middle Class Demands Congress Extend their Tax Cuts NOW

Call to Tell Congress ‘NO’ Cuts to Middle Class Benefits

One Minute, One Call to Save Social Security, Medicare & Medicaid, Call: 800-998-0180

Washington, D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement after Congressman Tim Walz filed a discharge petition to bring the Senate-passed middle class tax cuts to the floor for a vote:

“Americans have been clear: we must extend the middle class tax cuts now.  But House Republicans’ only answer to the American people has been: ‘no.’  Instead, Republicans are holding tax cuts for the middle class and small businesses hostage to more tax breaks for the wealthiest Americans.

“Our economy and our families cannot wait any longer for action and cannot afford a Republican tax increase on the middle class.  That’s why Democrats, under the leadership of Congressman Tim Walz, have filed a discharge petition to bring the middle class tax cuts to the floor for a vote.

“There’s no time to waste.  The Senate has already passed this legislation; House Democrats are prepared to support it; President Obama is ready to sign it into law.  We must provide certainty to the middle class by enacting this bill immediately as we work together toward a bold, balanced, and fair agreement to avert the fiscal cliff.  The clock is ticking, and a stalemate is a luxury we cannot afford.”

# # #

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Capitol Times – Extend Middle Class Tax Cuts, Make Rich Pay More


By: Tammy Baldwin
Date: Oct. 3, 2012

By Representative Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)

I believe that if we’re going to prosper, everyone has to have a fair shot. That is why I have supported tax cuts for middle class families and small businesses and fought to protect and create Wisconsin jobs.

As we continue to work on moving our economic recovery forward, everyone needs to do their fair share.

We can’t afford to extend tax cuts for those at the top and I believe that millionaires and billionaires need to pay their fair share so we can invest in growing our economy. I am the lead sponsor in the House of Representatives of the Buffett rule, which would ensure that people with over a million dollars a year in income pay at least as high a tax rate as the middle class. My opponent disagrees and opposes this approach. Not only does he support extending budget-busting tax cuts for the top 2 percent, he supports cutting taxes for millionaires like himself by $265,000 while raising taxes on the middle class.
In contrast, I recently voted for a plan to extend tax cuts set to expire at the end of this year for middle class families and small businesses. In addition, I worked to extend tax deductions passed in 2009 to help working families with children and to help families afford college tuition.

I have focused my campaign squarely on strengthening Wisconsin’s manufacturing base and building a “Made in Wisconsin” economy to move our state forward. I believe that we need to invest in education, new energy, innovation, and rebuilding our roads and bridges so we can build a future with job growth and a strengthened middle class.

Small businesses will continue to be the engine that moves our economic recovery forward. I have voted to encourage and directly reward new hiring and investment by increasing lending and lowering taxes for small businesses. I am also a co-sponsor of the “Bring Jobs Home Act,” which would eliminate tax breaks for companies that outsource our jobs to other countries, and would reward companies overseas that relocate to the United States with tax cuts.

In Wisconsin we believe in hard work. For decades, we’ve worked to make things: paper, engines, tools, ships. Give our workers a fair shot, and we’ll compete against anyone. That’s why I’m taking on China’s cheating — and betting on Wisconsin’s workers. When China cheats on trade and manipulates its currency, it costs us paper manufacturing jobs in Wisconsin. So I have led the fight to impose strong tariffs on China now and worked across party lines with Republican Congressman Reid Ribble to crack down on China’s cheating.

And while my opponent supported NAFTA and opposes cracking down on China’s trade practices, I opposed NAFTA and other bad trade deals with China and favor requiring the federal government to buy American. We need to put people to work here at home by creating an economy built to last that says “Made in America” on the label.

That is how we move Wisconsin forward. Forward with a strong middle class. Forward on a path toward prosperity.


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Tell Congress We need Jobs and Not Cuts

Tell Congress We need Jobs and Not Cuts

In the coming weeks, Congress will make decisions that will have long-term effects on our economy. If our elected representatives act responsibly, they have an opportunity to shrink the economic inequality gap and protect the vital services working families depend on for years to come. We need to make sure they do just that.


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Bustos defeats Schilling in 17th

By Kurt Allemeier of Quad City Times


Cheri Bustos returned the 17th Congressional District back into Democratic hands after a one-term swerve into the red column with her win Tuesday night.

With 88 percent of precincts reporting, the Democratic challenger had 53 percent of the vote over incumbent Republican Bobby Schilling, and the Associated Press had projected her the winner.

Bustos had 130,566 votes (53 percent) to 114,393 (47 percent) for Schilling with 607 of 690 precincts reporting, in unofficial results.

“We won this for the right reasons — to fight for so many people we’ve met along the way,” Bustos said, specifically singling out a worker for Sensata Technologies, a Freeport company that is closing. “Dot Turner, who is here tonight is why we won tonight,” a jubilant Bustos said at the Holiday Inn, Rock Island.

She said she has met people from Pecatonica to Pekin, from Little York to Biggsville, and that volunteers for her campaign made 67,000 calls on Tuesday.

“The pace I’ve set — as your congresswoman, it won’t change,” she said.

She pledged that she would reach across the aisle, pointing out that the district borders others held by Republicans. “People just want to succeed and government can help. It’s not the bad guy.”

Schilling won in the 2010 Republican surge and Democrats sought to wrest the district away from the Republican after he beat two-term incumbent Phil Hare. Hare’s loss put the seat in GOP hands for the first time since 1982. The targeted race drew over $9 million in spending, with most coming from outside interests.

“It was slipping away and now was the time to stop it,” said Doug House, Rock Island County Democratic chairman said. “We organized and worked like we never worked before.

“I didn’t work on Lane Evans’ first campaign, but now I feel like I have,” he said. “This is very fulfilling.”

In a brief news conference after her victory speech, Bustos said that beside the avalanche of phone calls on Election Day, volunteers also made 70,000 phone calls combined on Saturday and Sunday.

Despite a few jeers, Bustos asked for a round of applause for Schilling, 48, from Colona, whose family owns Saint Giuseppe’s Heavenly Pizza in Moline.

Schilling said he called Bustos to offer her all his support and make sure she has all the information needed to take over the district and that he will “always be here to help.”

He told supporters at a party at the Stern Center in Rock Island that when he returns to the lame duck session, Congress needs to keep the Bush tax cuts intact and pass a farm bill.

The 14-county district was redrawn in 2011 to include parts of Rockford and Peoria, strengthening its Democratic base.

The Democrat took advantage of the new district map, working hard in the Rockford area for votes, calling it critical to her campaign.

“They have double digit unemployment in Rockford,” she said. “They need change. They need someone who has a plan and we have one.”

She vowed to have an economic summit within her first 100 days in office.

Bustos, 50, served on the East Moline city council from 2007 to 2011 before resigning to run for Congress. A former Quad-City Times reporter and editor who has spent the past 10 years as a marketing executive at Iowa Health System, she and husband, Gerry, have three grown sons.


Ed Tibbetts

Democrat Cheri Bustos defeated incumbent Rep. Bobby Schilling, R-Ill., in Illinois’ hotly contested 17th District congressional race, according to Associated Press projections.

With 82 percent of precincts reporting, Bustos 124,763, or 53 percent, to 110,827, 47 percent, late Tuesday.

Bustos win comes after a multi-million dollar television advertising barrage, with most of the money spent by the two parties and a slew of outside groups, making it the most expensive race in Quad-City history.

Bustos, a former hospital executive and journalist, had criticized Schilling on outsourcing and the House Republicans’ plans for Medicare.

Republicans had attacked her tenure on the East Moline City Council, where she was an alderwoman before leaving to run for Congress.

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Quad City Times Newspaper Endorses Cheri Bustos

Bustos for Illinois’ 17th District

Times Editorial Board

We’d hoped our incumbent Illinois Quad-City congressman in the majority party could add a bit of heft to important Quad-City projects that have been on the community agenda for years.

Instead, Rep. Bobby Schilling settled in with an obstinate House majority, preferring to adopt party platitudes and stumbling badly on three important Quad-City issues.

On the Interstate 74 Mississippi River bridge, Amtrak service and the Thomson prison, Schilling flailed with conflicting statements that confounded community efforts.

Schilling had zero influence on his party leaders’ unreasonable opposition to purchasing the Thomson prison.

Perhaps that’s expected of a first-termer. But Schilling complicated things when he pitched a bid to cut the agreed-upon purchase price in half. That left-field maneuver confounded local efforts and didn’t seem to score him any political points.

Same thing on Amtrak, where his conflicting votes and statements followed decades of community efforts to win a rail link to Chicago.

His clumsy entree into the complicated Interstate 74 bridge negotiations hurt a similar long-term local effort.

Those successive fumbles pretty much expended our enthusiasm for the first-term candidate.

Consequently, we support Cheri Bustos, who runs with extensive, pertinent real-world experience. Bustos ascended from public relations work at Trinity Regional Health System to direct corporate communications for Iowa’s largest health system.

She won election to her town council and served admirably and openly, a credential we value for those seeking congressional office.

That service seems to galvanize her focus on jobs in our region with her emphasis on creating the new district’s manufacturing triangle, the Quad-Cities, Peoria and Rockford. With Deere, Caterpillar and Fiat (Rockford’s former Chrysler plant) all making major investments, Bustos’ strategy suggests a strong future for the 17th Congressional District.

Bustos’ work a decade ago for the Quad-City Times was no factor in our consideration. Three of six editorial board members never worked with her. If news reporting was her sole experience, she couldn’t have earned this endorsement.

Instead, we endorse a candidate whose hard work in the private sector propelled her to the top of the corporate ladder. We endorse a candidate whose executive leadership in health care will improve, not simply vote repeatedly to eradicate health care reform, and whose commendable Quad-City public service demonstrates commitment and an ability to work with our community.

We endorse a candidate who can understand and effectively articulate a Quad-City agenda in Congress.

We support Cheri Bustos.


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Mr. President, Finish by Highlighting Sensata

Posted: 10/24/2012 3:36 pm

By David Shuster –Host, ‘Take Action News with David Shuster’; anchor and correspondent for Current TV

President Obama,

As you head into the home stretch of this campaign, you should follow the example of Cheri Bustos, the democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois’s 17th district. Bustos has opened a clear lead over her incumbent Republican opponent by standing with the district’s Sensata workers whose jobs are being outsourced by Bain Capital to China.

This past Saturday, I spoke with Cheri Bustos on Take Action News about Sensata and the importance of U.S. manufacturing. (My interview with Cheri is 20.5 minutes into the second hour of the show podcast.

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ImageThis is a good read and reminds us that Mitt Romney didn’t care if Detroit families went bankrupt and hungry.

Mitt Romney said Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.  Read his 2008 Op Ed in the NYT.
Click: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/19/opinion/19romney.html?src=mv&_r=0#38;ref=general

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Excerpt of Cheri Bustos On The Ed Show: Speaks about Sensata Workers

Cheri Bustos went on national television and stood up for Senata workers and working families throughout Illinois. You can watch a clip from Cheri’s interview here. http://youtu.be/zvEVb9vNWGE

Cheri was featured on MSNBC’s The Ed Show, which filmed live from Freeport. The host, Ed Shultz, told America about how 170 of our neighbors are going to lose their jobs due to outsourcing and thanks to a company called Bain Capital. Bain was founded by Mitt Romney. Romney says he’ll run the country like he ran this private equity firm, proving the American People cannot afford a Romney Economy.

That’s why it’s so important that people vote for politicians who will stand with the 99% this November. Cheri Bustos promises to work for middle class and keep U.S. jobs here in America.

Cheri is running against incumbent Bobby Schilling, who has a clear record of supporting the 1%. Schilling even voted against The Bring Jobs Home Act, which would have helped keep jobs here in U.S.

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Kudos to Cheri Bustos For Visiting ‘Bainport’ in Support of Sensata Workers Facing Outsourcing by Bain



Rep. Bobby Schilling a “No Show” Per Usual

Freeport, IL – Residents of Congressional District IL 17 thanked candidate Cheri Bustos for visiting   ‘Bainport’ today and for her continued support of Sensata workers’ fighting to save their jobs from outsourcing to China by Bain Capital.

Sensata has emerged as a flashpoint in the controversy over Romney’s ties to Bain with the company’s employees asking Mitt Romney to intercede on their behalf and save their jobs. Their cries go unanswered and Romney seems to be simply ignoring these workers.

For months, residents too have been calling on Rep. Bobby Schilling to stop the export of these U.S. jobs overseas and their pleas have obviously fallen on deaf ears. 

“We now know firsthand what a Romney/Schilling economy looks like, losing good U.S. jobs,” said Deborah Johnson a voter in IL 17.  “We need someone to speak for us in Washington D.C. and Cheri Bustos has shown us time and time again that she is a leader and speaks for the 99% instead of the richest 1%.  Cheri needs to win this election and I will not rest until she is elected.”

In September, the workers began to camp outside the plant to protest Bain’s decision to ship their jobs to China and increase the pressure on Mitt Romney. Romney still receives income from Sensata Technologies.  The workers say will they stay on-site in until they are heard and in the hope of illustrating the dangers of re-electing Bobby Schilling and of a Romney economy.

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