Monthly Archives: July 2012

Springfield, Illinois Residents Rally Outside Illinois Chamber to Demand Raise in the Minimum Wage

Springfield, Illinois residents rally, July 24, outside the Chamber to demand a raise in the minimum wage. People who work for a living should be able to make a living from their work. Low wage workers should not have to … Continue reading

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As Food Prices Are Set to Soar, Area Residents to Rally to Protect Families Purchasing Power via a Minimum Wage Increase

Residents to Demand that Rodney Davis, Illinois Chamber Support Working Families with Measure That Creates Jobs, too Springfield, Ill.  – As the country suffers its worst drought since 1956, working families will soon face higher grocery bills.  To offset that … Continue reading

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Report: Illinois-17 16th most likely to flip

5 hours ago  •  By Ed Tibbetts–th-most-likely-to-flip/article_9adf00b4-d1b7-11e1-8072-001a4bcf887a.html By now, people know the 17th District congressional race is going to be a tough fight. Now, National Journal has ranked it 16th most likely to flip from one party to the … Continue reading

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Q-C Lawmakers split on health care repeal

By Ed Tibbetts There might be no other issue that better exposes the partisan lines between the area’s congressional delegation than the health care law, and it was on full display Wednesday. Reps. Bobby Schilling, R-Ill., and Bruce Braley, D-Iowa, … Continue reading

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Protest Greets Mitt Romney at Hamptons Fundraiser–abc-news-politics.html

  • SOUTHAMPTON, New York – After a week vacationing in New Hampshire, Mitt Romney headed back to the fundraising circuit Sunday appearing with his wife Ann at three private residences in the Hamptons.

One of the high-dollar events was held at the shorefront estate of billionaire David Koch, whose Southampton compound was tightly secured in part because of roughly 150 protesters in the area. Members of Occupy Wall Street and made up those protesting, shouting and holding signs illustrating their anger towards “money in politics.”

David Segal with the Long Island Progressive Coalition said his group isn’t worried about who’s running for President. “What bothers me,” he said as a black stretch-limo drove passed, “is that people like David Koch are buying our politicians.”

The Koch fundraiser cost $50,000 a person to attend, $75,000 per couple. One of the protesters on an adjacent street to the property held a sign that read “Your $50,000 ticket = My yearly salary.”

As a $400,000 dollar Rolls Royce passed the barricaded crowd, they decided to take their message to the beach – which also serves as the backyard of Koch’s home. As protesters gathered and sang the star spangled banner, the secret service stood atop a sand dune at the edge of the property and looked on. The beach is public property and no arrests were made.

The New York Times reported Romney would raise over $3 million during the Hamptons swing, which began in East Hampton at the 75-acre estate of Revlon chairman Ron Perlman. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was a special guest at the fundraiser which cost between $5,000-$25,000 to attend. The third event took place in Southampton as well, on the same street as the Koch’s home.

Although the protesters only got a glimpse of Romney as his motorcade entered and exited the closed Southampton street, they regarded the protest as a success – saying it was an opportunity to take their message to those responsible.

Romney’s fundraising blitz continues Monday with a private event in Aspen, Colo.


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10 States Where Wages Are Falling

The Huffington Post  |  By James Sunshine Posted: 07/04/2012 9:40 am Updated: 07/04/2012 9:40 am If you were expecting a raise from your boss, think again. Sure, the job market sort of picked up at the end of last year, … Continue reading

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